Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi? Safe Or Unsafe? 2024

As a caring dog owner, you want the best for your pet’s diet. Kohlrabi, part of the cabbage family, offers interesting options for dog nutrition. This..

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi 2024
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As a caring dog owner, you want the best for your pet’s diet. Kohlrabi, part of the cabbage family, offers interesting options for dog nutrition. This article looks into whether it’s safe to feed kohlrabi to dogs, its benefits, and precautions. Kohlrabi is known for being rich in nutrients like vitamin C and B vitamins, which are important for immunity and overall health. While generally safe, it’s important to avoid harmful seasonings like garlic and onions, which can be toxic to dogs.

Although dogs typically do well on a meat-based diet, kohlrabi can be a healthy addition. We also discuss how to prepare it—whether raw or cooked—and stress the importance of safety, such as cutting it into small pieces to prevent choking. Knowing the signs of toxicity and consulting a vet are crucial to keeping your dog safe and healthy.

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Caution With Seasonings And Ingredients

When considering whether dogs can eat kohlrabi, it’s crucial to be mindful of the seasonings and ingredients used in its preparation. While kohlrabi itself is safe and nutritious for dogs, certain additives commonly used in human cooking can be harmful. For instance, ingredients like garlic and onion, which are often used to flavor dishes containing kohlrabi, are known to be toxic to dogs. These substances can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells and lead to symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal upset to more severe health issues in dogs.

To ensure the safety of feeding kohlrabi to your dog, opt for plain. Avoid using oils, salts, or any seasonings that may upset your dog’s stomach or pose toxicity risks. If you’re unsure about whether a specific seasoning or ingredient is safe for your dog, it’s best to err on the side of caution and consult your veterinarian.

Understanding these precautions underscores the importance of careful food preparation when introducing new foods like kohlrabi into your dog’s diet. By prioritizing your dog’s health and well-being, you can confidently provide nutritious treats while avoiding potential risks associated with harmful seasonings and ingredients.


Moderation is key when it comes to incorporating kohlrabi into your dog’s diet. While kohlrabi offers nutritional benefits, it is not essential for a dog’s overall dietary needs. Dogs are primarily carnivores and thrive on diets rich in animal proteins, fats, and essential nutrients tailored to their biological requirements.

Feeding kohlrabi in moderation ensures that your dog receives the health benefits without disrupting their balanced diet. It can be offered as an occasional treat or snack rather than a staple food. Monitoring your dog’s intake of kohlrabi helps prevent potential digestive issues such as gas or diarrhea, which can occur if unfamiliar foods are introduced too quickly or in large quantities.

Additionally, understanding your dog’s individual tolerance and preferences is essential. Some dogs may enjoy the taste and texture of kohlrabi more than others, but always observe their reactions and adjust accordingly. By maintaining a balanced approach and consulting with your veterinarian, you can ensure that kohlrabi complements your dog’s diet safely and effectively.

Nutritional Benefits

Kohlrabi offers several nutritional benefits that can be advantageous for dogs when included in moderation as part of their diet.

Vitamins and Minerals: Kohlrabi is rich in vitamin C and B-family vitamins, which are essential for a dog’s overall health. Vitamin C supports the immune system, helping to protect against infections and illnesses. B-family vitamins contribute to various bodily functions, including metabolism and nerve function.

Dietary Fiber: The presence of dietary fiber in kohlrabi aids digestion in dogs. It promotes gastrointestinal health by regulating bowel movements and maintaining optimal gut function.

Antioxidants: Kohlrabi contains antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress in the body. These compounds play a role in reducing inflammation and supporting cellular health.

Low-Calorie Option: Kohlrabi is a low-calorie vegetable, making it a suitable choice for dogs that need to maintain a healthy weight or are on a weight management plan.

Overall Nutritional Profile: While dogs primarily require animal-derived proteins and fats for their dietary needs, incorporating nutrient-rich vegetables like kohlrabi can provide additional vitamins and minerals that contribute to their overall well-being.

Goitrogenic Properties

Kohlrabi, like some other vegetables such as arugula and broccoli rabe, possesses goitrogenic properties. These substances can interfere with thyroid function by inhibiting the uptake of iodine, potentially leading to hypothyroidism in dogs if consumed in large quantities over time.

Understanding Goitrogens: Goitrogens are compounds found in certain foods that can disrupt thyroid hormone production and metabolism. In kohlrabi, these compounds are present and can affect thyroid function if the vegetable is eaten excessively.

Moderation is Key: While occasional consumption of kohlrabi is generally safe for dogs, feeding it in large amounts or on a regular basis increases the risk of thyroid dysfunction. This is especially important for dogs with pre-existing thyroid conditions or breeds prone to thyroid issues.

Precautions for Thyroid Health: If your dog has thyroid concerns or is predisposed to thyroid conditions, it may be advisable to avoid feeding them kohlrabi altogether. Consulting with your veterinarian can provide guidance tailored to your dog’s specific health needs.

Balanced Approach: Incorporating kohlrabi into your dog’s diet in moderation alongside a balanced and varied diet ensures they receive nutritional benefits without compromising thyroid health. Monitoring their overall health and observing any changes in behaviour or physical condition can help identify potential issues early on.


In conclusion, while dogs can eat kohlrabi safely in moderation, responsible pet ownership means understanding both the benefits and potential risks. Kohlrabi provides valuable nutrients like vitamin C, B-family vitamins, and dietary fiber that can enhance a dog’s overall health when incorporated sensibly into their diet. However, caution should be exercised with seasonings and ingredients, as substances like garlic and onions can be harmful to dogs. Additionally, the goitrogenic properties of kohlrabi warrant feeding it in moderation, especially for dogs with thyroid concerns. Consulting with a veterinarian before introducing kohlrabi or any new food ensures that it aligns with your dog’s specific nutritional needs and health status. By prioritizing safety, moderation, and veterinary guidance, you can confidently provide kohlrabi as a nutritious treat while safeguarding your dog’s well-being for years to come.

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